
7 Surprising Ways You Can Use The Scuttle App for Collaboration

Set deadlines and reminders with our mobile collaboration app | The Scuttle

Ever notice how most project management software and mobile collaboration apps are designed for the working professional? If only our careers were the sole part of our lives that required organization and communication! 

Being able to easily collaborate and share ideas with your friends and family is an important part of life. Collaboration is what makes getting stuff done fun. The Scuttle collaboration app is specifically designed to give you all of the collaboration app tools you need without making you feel like you’re still at work. 

Here are 7 surprising ways The Scuttle can help you collaborate more easily on all of your ongoing projects!

1. Share Current & Upcoming To-Do Lists

Tired of trying to tackle a never-ending to-do list all by yourself? Get some help! With The Scuttle, you can easily create and share checklists with others. Many hands make light work, especially when everyone is pitching in. Invite others to your Scuttleboard then take turns checking things off the list until you finally reach that amazing moment when every box is checked and everything is done.

2. Set Deadlines & Reminders

Tracking all of the important dates for every member of the family is no longer a one-woman job. Share your Scuttleboard with the entire family and let everyone work together in the What’s On Tap section to add in their own events and reminders. You’ll be able to more easily track everything that’s coming up and, since everyone will be in there working on updating events together, you can be sure that everyone knows what’s coming up.

3. Make & Track Assignments

Need to make assignments to specific people? No problem! Divvy up tasks by creating a checklist or even a whole new Scuttleboard for each person. The Scuttle is a great event planning app because you can invite the whole team to collaborate in a place where everyone can see what assignments are getting done and easily reach out for help when they need it. Thinking about going green? Event planning apps like The Scuttle can give you a great space for virtual collaboration and cut down on your paper waste.

4. Easy Follow Up & Discussions

The chat feature is a great way to communicate and share ideas all in one place. You can create chats for each Scuttleboard you make, which will help keep your conversations organized by topic. No more giant group messages that talk about 20 different things all at once and no more scrolling through a million texts to find the one idea you’re looking for on your collaboration app.

5. Total Access to All Important Details

The Scuttle is a great shared trip planning app because you can give the whole family access to all of the important details. Chat about potential locations, make lists of possible excursions and prices, share photos of the trip, and make notes of any important considerations all in one place where everyone can comment, edit, and bounce ideas off of each other. Make it a vacation for everyone by letting them contribute to the planning process.

 6. Schedule Recurring Meetings to Touch Base

Do you ever have a hard time getting everyone to a meeting? The Scuttle is a great place to find the best time for everyone’s schedule. You can easily chat about open dates and make notes of what days and times don’t work for the team. Put potential events in the What’s On Tap section so everyone can plan ahead and discuss whether or not it will work. The best part is, you can sync all of your team’s events to their personal calendars so they get an automatic calendar reminder from their collaboration app.

7. Shareable with anyone

One of the biggest things that makes The Scuttle a great collaboration app for professional and personal projects is you can share it with anyone. Need to leave the babysitter a detailed list of instructions? Invite her to a babysitting Scuttleboard with notes about each of your kids. Coordinating a big community event? Invite the entire committee to collaborate with you on The Scuttle and easily keep track of all the moving pieces. 
No matter the relationship or how many people are in your group, you can all use The Scuttle to help you work better together. Start collaborating more effectively and download The Scuttle today!